Haunted , Gummy , ZIMs , Weebly

Invader ZIM

Invader ZIM.
Invader ZIM was created by Jhonen Vasquez in  2001 and had a sad sad cancellation in 2002. But came back with new episodes in 2006.  ZIM is an Irken alien from planet Irk, sent to Earth on a "secret mission" for Operation  Impending Doom 2 to a "Secret Planet" that no one has heard of, but those who know of it dare not speak it's name.  He was sent by his leaders The Almighty Tallests, who are so sick ZIM for failing Operation Impending Doom 1. Instead of destroying the planet he was sent to, he destroyed Irk, by accident of course. For punishment ZIM was sent to a planet named Foodcourtia .  ZIM, and all the other invaders, have a SIR unit. But The Almighty Tallests made an "advanced" SIR unit named GIR. Which GIR is just trash and pocket junk. And he's a malfunctioning SIR unit who is crazy and loves tacos.
When ZIM landed on Earth, he made his disguise, just a black wig and light blue colored eye lids. GIR's disguise is a lime green dogsuit which was supposed to be a small brown beagle. ZIM had met many people while on Earth, such as Dib  (The only one who notices ZIM is an alien.), Gaz ( Dib's scary sister.), and Keef ( ZIM's "bestest friend" in episode 2.).