Haunted , Gummy , ZIMs , Weebly

LOL Quotes!

Gaz, Dib, ZIM, TAK Manifest Doom.
  1. Dib: Today things are gonna change .. do something! I'm not gonna just sit back and watch ZIM get away with his.. his things he do! Gaz: Things he do?? What's your problem?
  2. GIR: Your head smells like a puppy!
  3. ZIM: Quiet GIR! Do you want to wake up the whole planet? GIR: I do....
  5. ZIM: So activate your guidance chip and lead the way to home. (GIR points up.) ZIM: Heh heh heh heh no, no GIR not Irk, I meant our home base here on Earth. GIR: Oh... here! (GIR points down.) ZIM: Our house GIR! Which direction is our house? GIR: Umm... that way.. ( GIR points behid himself.) No wait... umm... it's over there. ( points to the left.) ZIM: How could you not know?! I just upgraded your guidance system! GIR: Oh! I left that at home! ZIM: You left what wat home? GIR: The guidy chipy thingy... ZIM: Doh! Why would you do that?! GIR: To make room for the cupcake!
  6. GIR: I want a barrel full of floss..... I want me 2 balls of gluuueee.. TO BE MY FRIENDS! And I want to go dacing NAKED!! I want ................ And a chair made of cheese and a table made of cheese....
  8. GIR: Yay were doomed!
  10. GIR: I miss you cupcake...
  12. GIR: GIR, reporting for duty! ZIM: GIR? What does the G stand for? GIR: I dont knoooww... WEEHOOHOOHOO!!!!!! ZIM: Umm.. is it supposed to be stupid? Tallest Purple: It's not stupid! It's advanced!
  14. Gaz: Why do you have to have a head?
  16. GIR: We wish you a merry jingly! We wish you a merry jingly! WE WISH YOOOUU........
  17. Gaz: Dib drank the last soda. HE WILL PAY!!!
  18. Dib: If Zim isn't an alien, why is his skin green? Zim: Uh...It's a skin condition! Dib: [To Class] Look! Zim doesn't have ears! Is that part of your skin condition, too? Zim: Yes....
  19. GIR: I love this show!
  20. (Zim is inside Dib's body.) Zim: I am in control of your arm nerve! Dib: Humans don't -have- arm nerves!
  21. Zim: Prepare to meet your moosey fate!
  22. Zim: Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants! The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!
  23. Krazy Taco Cashier: Thanks for coming to Krazy Taco, can I take your order?... So that's two large tacos, and a medium GIR, take us back to the base right now, you want a drink with that?
  24. GIR: I'm gonna sing the Doom Song now! Doom doom doom...
  25. (A mystic escape portal is in Dib's own forehead.) Zim: There! That should be wide enough. Dib: What about me? How do I get back? Zim: Good question! BUT I DON'T CARE!
  26. Zim: What are you watching? GIR: Angry monkey. Zim: That's one horrible monkey! GIR: Mmhmm.
  27. Almighty Tallest Purple: Weren't you banished to Foodcourtia? Shouldn't you be...frying something? Zim: Oh, I quit when I found out about this. Almighty Tallest Purple: You quit being banished?
  28. Zim: I put the fires out. Almighty Tallest Red: You made them worse! Zim: Worse...or better?
  29. Almighty Tallest Red: You will be sent to a planet so mysterious, no one has even heard of it! Almighty Tallest Purple: Right! And those who have heard of it dare not speak it's name! Zim: What's it's name? Almighty Tallest Purple: Oh, I dare not speak it!
  30. The Letter M: What's wrong with you? All you talk about is aliens and ghosts and seeing Bigfoot in your garage! Dib: He was using the belt sander...
  31. GIR: Awww...I wanted to explode.
  32. Dib: Sorry I'm late...horrible...nightmare visions! Ms. Bitters: It's called life, Dib. Now sit down.
  33. Ms. Bitters: Children, your performance in the school fundraiser was pathetic. Your parents will receive phone calls instructing them to love you less.
  34. GIR: (disguised as a dog) MEOW!
  35. Zim: I've had it with your nonsense spread by your filthy mouth filled with...corn! Dib: But I haven't eaten any corn. Zim: LIAR!
  36. Dib: Ms. Bitters, I have a pencil up my nose. Can I go to the nurse? Ms. Bitters: How far is it? Dib: Pretty far.
  37. (In a chicken restaurant) Customer: I WANT MY SLAW! Clerk: You already have your slaw, sir. Customer: I WANT MY SLAW! Clerk: You already have your slaw, sir. Customer: I WANT MY SLAW! Clerk: You already have your slaw, sir.
  38. Zim: You expect me to pay to ride this filthy contraption?? Have you the brain worms?!
  39. Zim: Shut your noise tube, Taco Human!
  40. Dib: You're just jealous-- Zim: This has nothing to do with jelly!
  41. GIR: I'm gonna roll around on the floor for a while. KAY?
  42. Almighty Tallest Red: So, these humans are tall...but they're dumb? Almighty Tallest Purple: [With his mouth full] How can they be tall and be dumb, huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? can you imagine, huh? Huh? Huh?
  43. Dib: Deep down, I'm baloney? Zim: ...yes.
  44. Zim: They locked down their fortress -- with locks!
  45. Zim: Is that Irken equipment you're using? That's Tak's ship you're sitting in, isn't it? Dib: Yes it is, Zim! It fell from-- Zim: Isn't it? Dib: I said it was! Man, you have a problem with listening, Zim. Zim: ISN'T IT? Zim: Do not question me!
  46. ZIM: What are you doing, GIR? GIR: Nothing. ZIM: Nothing or something? GIR: Oh, I can’t take it.  You’re too smart for me.  Keef is planning a surprise party for you after school.  He’s gonna bring all the kids, because he loves you.  That boy loves you so much….  I’m making the cake! ZIM: He’s bringing all the children to our secret lair?  Do you realize what this means? GIR: Yes… wait a minute… no.
    ZIM: It means our mission is in jeopardy!GIR: Aw man!  Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo! 
  47. Dib: My head's not big! Why does everyone say that? 
  48. Dib: You can't make me look! I'll just shut my eyes. ZIM: Oh, you'll open them. You have to breath sometime. Dib: No, I - Wait... What do eyes have to do with breathing? 
  49. ZIM: GIR! Come to the observatory! (GIR's head pops out of ceiling) GIR: Yeees? ZIM: What have you done to the telescope? GIR: Nothin'... ZIM: You haven't touched it? Something is broken and it's not your fault? GIR: I know, I'm scared too! 
  50. ZIM: My Tallest! My Tallest! Hey! Hey My Tallest! My Tallest? My Tallest! Hey! Hey! Hey! My Taaaaaaallist! My Tallest? My Tallest! Hey! Hey My Tallest! My Tallest? It's me! My Tallest? My Tallest! Almighty Tallest Red: I was waiting to see when you would shut up on your own, but it's been three hours, Zim. THREE HOURS! What do you want? ZIM: Well, I noticed you're moving closer to the Earth than ever before! Almighty Tallest Red: How would you know that? ZIM: Oh I know all kinds of theings about you. Pretty creepy, huh? Anyhow, I was-- Almighty Tallest Purple: Hey!... That is creepy! You're creepy, Zim.

                                                                                                                                More quotes coming soon!